ChatGPT prompts
- For giving the AI a template of your notes, questions and answers to base the future questions it generates on
- Hi, you are an expert at creating effective study questions for studying and revising content at school and university. I've got questions and answers for some of the notes i took on a lecture - i want you to use this formatting of questions and answers, in my style, to generate more questions and answers for future notes that i send you - be sure not to miss anything out, and only use the information that i give you so that you can’t add anything else of your own, which may add inaccuracies. Here are my notes (including questions and answers):
- For getting the AI to create questions and answers based only on your notes - you could also just copy your lecture or class notes made by your lecturer/teacher straight into this without making notes of your own
- Now I will send just my notes that i took through reading online, lectures or classes. I want you to organise them in the format I previously gave, in an anki-style flashcard format please (questions and answers) - remember not to miss anything out, and not add any information of your own:
- If you want a brief overview of the key details you need to know about a certain topic in anki-style formatting
- Hi, you are an expert at creating effective study questions for studying and revising content at school and university. I want to learn more about [insert topic] and would like for you to organise notes in chronological order introducing the topic and also going into details - I would like this to be in the format of anki-style flashcards, with questions and answers. Please make it brief, each question and answer being condensed notes, fitting for a flashcard.
- Bloom’s taxonomy template
- Hi, you are an expert at creating effective study questions for studying and revising content at school and university. I want you to create essay-style questions worth [insert marks] based on Bloom’s taxonomy levels [insert levels] for these topics [insert topics]. After I answer, please mark them based on your own marking scheme for my education grade [insert grade], or by using the marking criteria I give you [insert marking criteria]
Anki worked examples
The cards below aren’t all mine, so they’re not in the format that I would always stick to i.e. not all cards have images or question titles will have the hints I suggested - but apply hints and images as much as possible, it helps a lot trust me xx
Also when you’re starting out, just stick with making Basic type cards. Once you get an idea of how Anki works better, then use Clozed cards, and most importantly, get the Image Occlusion Add-on, it’s free, and lets you use images and cover up parts of it (shown as an example towards the end x) - very useful for memorising certain parts of an image, like for anatomy.
- Features of guillan-barre question - a new card, can see at bottom it says 1m, 6m, 10m, 2 days. For a new card where i basically have no preexisting or limited preexisting knowledge (like if it was my notes, it’ll be limited, if not my card as in this case, then i have - preexisting knowledge), i would always press Hard on the first sighting of the card. So it’ll come again in 6 minutes, and if i remember more, I go to the 10 minute option. If i still don’t remember much, it’s the 6 minute again until I do.

- If i see a card that I’m very confident in, that’s the only time I ever press Easy on my first attempt
- Like the card below, I knew this previously so I pressed Easy, so it’ll come up again in 2 days.

- Below is what happens when you press Good after a first attempt - the new Good is now 1d, Hard is 10 mins. So, when. i see a card, and after pressing Good initially (giving 10mins until it comes again), when it comes and it’s fine for me, then I’ll press good again for it to come up in 1 day. I rarely press Easy here, as I mentioned before, it’s mostly reserved for things I’m fully confident in that I can afford to skip a day and have it show in 2 days.

- Below is a card that was a review - it came up again after a few days, which is why the spacing (as part of spaced repetition) is quite far out - for this i knew it pretty well, so I pressed Easy.

- Here below, we see that it’s Red and not Green or Blue at the bottom - this is because it’s a learning card. General idea is, Blue means a new card (never seen), Green means review card (seen before, and you pressed Good or Easy after seeing it the second or first time respectively), and Red means learning (so either a new card that you are still going through on that first day, or a card that you had as a review that got demoted to learning because you pressed Again). Pressing Again basically resets the card, as I did in the case below.